分享9篇文章的Stata复制代码, 可以直接下载进行一一复制实证结果
1.Lost job, lost trust? On the effect of involuntary job loss on trust. 失去工作,失去信任?非自愿失业对信任的影响Journal of Economic Psychology 2021, 84(February), 102369 (with Tim Friehe).
例如,展示一些代码: 2.The effect of unemployment on the smoking behavior of couples. 失业对夫妻吸烟行为的影响Health Economics 2020, 29, 154-170 (with Jakob Everding).
3.School entry, afternoon care, and mothers' labour supply. 入学、午后看护和母亲的劳动力供应Empirical Economics 2019, 57(3), 769-803 (with Ludovica Gambaro and Frauke Peter).
4.Wealth distribution within couples. 夫妻间的财富分配Review of Economics of the Household 2015, 13(3), 459-486 (with Eva Sierminska and Markus Grabka).
5.Does job loss make you smoke and gain weight? 失业会让你吸烟和发胖吗?Economica 2014, 81(324), 626-648.
6.Spillover effects of maternal education on child's health and health behavior. 母亲教育对儿童健康和健康行为的溢出效应Review of Economics of the Household 2013, 11(1), 29-52 (with Daniel Kemptner).
7.The effect of unemployment on the mental health of spouses - Evidence from plant closures in Germany. 失业对配偶心理健康的影响——来自德国工厂关闭的证据Journal of Health Economics 2013, 32(3), 546-558.
8.Compressing instruction time into fewer years of schooling and the impact on student performance. 将教学时间压缩到更少的学校教育和对学生表现的影响Economics of Education Review 2017, 58 (July), 1-14 (with Mathias Huebener).
9.Day care quality and changes in the home learning environment of children. 日托质量与儿童家庭学习环境的变化Education Economics 2019, 27(3), 265-286 (with Susanne Kuger and C. Katharina Spieß).
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